Xiaochen Chen
Associate Professor
Email: xiaochenchen@ruc.edu.cn
Correspondence: Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China, 59# Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100872, China.
2013, Ph.D in Education, Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles.
2009, M.A in Education, Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles.
2008, B.S. in Psychology, School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University.
Academic and professional employment
08/2019-Present Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China
08/2013-07/2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Renmin University of China
Research areas
Social psychology, Educational Psychology
Academic services
Member of the Cultural Psychology Division of Chinese Psychological Society. 2019-2025.
Reviewer for Child Development, Journal of Research on Adolescence, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Acta Psychologica Sinica, etc.
Research Grant
1. The effects and mechanisms of cross-group friendships on intergroup attitudes among adolescents, granted by National Science Foundation in China(No. 31600895), 2017-2019.
2. Intergenerational contact and attitudes toward older people, granted by RUC Research Foundation (No. 22XNA033), 2022-2024.
3. Family social class and college students’adjustment: Mechanisms and intervention strategies, granted by RUC Researh Foundation (No. 19XNB005), 2019-2021.
Journal Articles (selected)
1. Chen, X., Wang, Z., Deng, Z., & Wei, Q. (2022). Social class and socialization values in the United States and China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(10), 1300-1306.
2. Chen, B., Qu, Y., & Chen, X*. (2021). Chinese parents’ comparisons of siblings and adolescents’internalizing and externalizing problems. Development and Psychopathology, 33(3), 914-921.
3. Chen. X*., Saafir, A., & Graham, S. (2020). Ethnicity, peers, and academic achievement: Who wants to be friends with the smart kids? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 1030-1042.
4. Graham, S., & Chen, X. (2020). Attribution theory. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.
5. Chi, X., Hong, X., & Chen, X*. (2020). Profiles and sociodemographic correlates of Internet addiction in early adolescents in southern China. Addictive Behaviors, 106: 106385.
6. Deng Z., Chen, X*., & Wei, Q. (2020). Understanding social class disparities in health and education from a sociocultural perspective. Advances in Psychological Science, 28(12), 2125-2136.
7. Wei, Q., Li, M., & Chen, X*. (2018). Social class and social perceptions: Is warmth or competence more important?Acta Psychologica, Sinica, 50(2), 243-252.
8. Chen, X*., & Graham, S. (2018). Doing better but feeling worse: an attributional account of achievement ¾ self-esteem disparities in Asian American students, Social Psychology of Education, 21(4):937-949.
9. Chen, X*., & Graham, S. (2017). Same-ethnic, interethnic, and interracial friendships among Asian early adolescents, Journal of Research on Adolescence, 27(3):705-713.
10. Chen, X*., & Graham, S. (2015). Cross-ethnic friendships and intergroup attitudes among Asian American adolescents,Child Development, 86(3): 749-764.
11. Chen, X*., & Graham, S. (2012). Close relationships and attributions for peer victimization among late adolescents, Journal of Adolescence, 35(6): 1547-1556.
1. Chen, X. (2017). Friendship selection and intergroup attitudes among Asian American adolescents. Intellectual Property Publishing House: Beijing.
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Teaching Award (2018). Renmin University of China.
Outstanding Extracurricular Teaching Award (2016). Renmin University of China.
Distinguished Mentorship Award (2015). Renmin University of China.